
Activités de diffusion

Liste des séminaires, conférences, événements de regroupement, ateliers, etc. où le projet Prometeus a été présenté et diffusé

13/05/2023: OPTICA – From PhD to CEO seminar series, within the Planks 2023 (final of the Physics Olympics) – Milan (PIONIRS) – Clustering activity
27/09/2023: Yearly conference of the International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue 2023 – Tokyo (PIONIRS) – Conference
16/11/2023: Innovación para la salud. Primer congreso de ciencia, tecnología y vinculación – Hospital General de México (ICFO) – Conference
01/12/2023: Practical lecture on Diffuse Optics and TD-NIRS. Politecnico di Milano, course in Biophotonics 2023, Physics Engineering – Milan (PIONIRS) – Education and training
12/12/2023: CARLA Capsule Milano. Working in photonics in the area around Milan – Milan (PIONIRS) – Collaboration with EU-funded projects
15/12/2023: Yearly Meeting of the Biomedical Photonics Network 2023 – Bern (PIONIRS) – Conference
Ongoing: Presentations to multiple potential partners and investors – (QuLab Medical) – Meetings

Activités de communication

Liste des activités de communication promouvant l’action et les résultats de Prometeus.

2023 – Visual Identity: Design of the project logo and development of a common visual identity, including a standard format for presentations
2023 – Website: Creation of a dedicated website translated into the partner languages
2023 – Social Media: PIONIRS Post presenting the PROMETEUS project and its aim (Linked-in: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7061254394394157056; X (former Twitter): https://twitter.com/pionirs_it/status/1655492347390578690)
2023 – Social Media: PIONIRS Post with a preview of PROMETEUS-related results to be presented at BMPN 2023 event: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7143153616911060992
2023 – Event: High School British School of Barcelona visit to ICFO where Prometeus project was presented
2023 – Media: Dedicated page on PIONIRS website (https://www.pionirs.com/wp/prometeus-project/)
2023 – Event: PIONIRS booth at fNIRS Italy 2023 conference (Padova), showcasing its products an activities. Information about PROMETEUS project presented on booth live screen and to audience
2023 – Media: UdG Research group website: Post describing the project, partners and objectives of Prometeus. On the official web of the UdG, Post of the press release
2023 – Event: PIONIRS booth at ECBO/Laser world of photonics 2023 event (Munich), showcasing its products an activities. Information about PROMETEUS project presented on booth live screen and to audience
2023 – Event: PIONIRS booth at ISOTT 2023 conference (Tokyo), showcasing its products an activities. Information about PROMETEUS project presented on booth live screen and to audience
2023 – Media: Announcement of the Prometeus Project on the DAVE website (https://www.dave.eu/it/news-and-media/news/dave-embedded-system-tra-i-partner-di-prometeus)
2023 – Media: Project dedicated pages on LinkedIn, Instagram and X (former Twitter) describing the project objectives and aim and informing about its start
2023 – Social Media: UdG Post on LinkedIn and X (former Twitter) informing of the start of the project and it’s main objectives; Post informing about the in-person plenary meeting that took place in Padova
2023 – Media: UdG Press release for the achievement of the project
2023 – Media: UNIPD Press releases announcing the start of the project issued by the University of Padua and local newspapers