In 2020 the SME PIONIRS s.r.l. (http://www.pionirs.com) was founded as Spin-Off Company of Politecnico di Milano, with the aim of delivering TD-NIRS technology to the world. With its strong scientific background and continuative collaborations with universities and research institutions, PIONIRS unceasingly improves its products and technology, breaking the barriers that currently prevent a widespread diffusion of TD-NIRS in clinics.
PIONIRS is establishing itself as a leader in Europe for the production and commercialization of TD-NIRS devices for non-invasive tissue hemodynamic monitoring, providing a comprehensive range of photonics solutions to healthcare researchers. Its devices are currently being used in the most advanced research centers around Europe, USA and Canada. Their performance and reliability are now becoming well-assessed in the clinical research field. The compact TD-NIRS device called “NIRSBOX” will act as the starting point for successful integration in the PROMETEUS neuromonitoring platform.
PIONIRS will contribute to the PROMETEUS project developing a dedicated TD-NIRS module, tailored to be used with the neo-opticap system, continuously interacting with all partners to take the novel optical neuromonitoring platform in to the clinical environment. Additionally, PIONIRS role will be pivotal for the exploitation of PROMETEUS technology, toward its path for commercialization.